How does the pricing work?
The price varies depending on the exact location we fly you to & from, the number of passengers, the weight of the passengers, availability of aircraft and if there is any extra luggage. We can tailor flights to your needs – i.e. Private transfers, added scenic flying time and activity/accommodation packages.
We work on a first in first served basis. The packages we put together are in high demand and require external booking done via us on your behalf. This means that we need to be quick to reserve your preferred slot.
Do you land at the vineyards on Waiheke Island?
Yes, we land at the Waiheke Island vineyards. Due to council regulations and resource consents, each vineyard has a quota for helicopter landings per day. Helicopter landing’s book up very fast, however we can fly into Reeve’s airfield on Waiheke Island and arrange a taxi transfer from there.
Is the flight scenic?
The flights are scenic as we fly over parts of Auckland city, the Hauraki Gulf Harbour and various islands. We can add flying time on for additional cost – i.e. scenic flight routes via the Sky Tower.
What information do you require to make a booking?
We require: the exact location you wish to fly to & from, the number of passengers, their full names and separate weights in kg’s, if there is any luggage, time & date of the flight and payment before the day of the flight.
What locations can you fly from?
We base out of Rosedale on Auckland’s North Shore. We pay landing fees to land at various Auckland helipad’s, airfield’s and vineyards which can increase the cost.
We can fly from Auckland airport,
Can you fly to a private residence?
We can fly to a private residence providing that we have the land owner’s permission. We require the land owner to sign a Land Owner’s permission form which details the exact location we can land. To land at a private residence we need a space of approximately 100 square meters.
Can you land on the beach?
Due to health and safety regulations we cannot land in public areas such as beaches and parks.
What happens if the weather is not suitable for flying?
If the weather forecast is not favorable to fly on the date you have booked, we will get in touch with you and ask how much notice you require before making the weather call. It is at the pilot’s discretion on the day. If we need to cancel, we will work with you to reschedule your booking or we can’t find a time to suit, we will refund your booking.
How many people can fly in a helicopter?
Helicopters we can use:
R44 – seats up to 3 passengers. This machine is weight dependent, if the group weigh over… we will need to upgrade to a bigger machine.
Single engine Squirrel – seats up to 6 people.
Twin engine Squirrel – seats up to 5 people.
EC130 – seats up to 6 people.
Bell 427 - seats up to 7 people.
Augusta Westland 109s – seats up to 7 people.
We can take multiple machines for larger groups. All machines are subject to availability and weight.
Can children fly?
Yes - Children can definitely fly with us! Depending on the product and helicopter booked we have different aircraft requirements and therefore pricing. Touch base with our team to get the most up to date information.